Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Dearest Tim,

Julia here. Thank you for making this blog and the killer banner. I love it! I am thrilled about this blog. Anyway, just pen-palling from Provo. I moved in to my apartment yesterday and it is pretty nice. However, my two new roommates both seclude themselves in their rooms all day. It is kind of awkward. I have met both of them and one of their names is a name I can't pronounce. We call her Yoshi. I have seen her a grand total of two times, each time for under 30 seconds. Maybe she's just shy? I don't know. Also Provo is a sad place without you. I will light a lone candle for you on your birthday in a couple days and mourn your absence.
I hope California can handle you for another semester.
All of the love in my heart,

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