Monday, August 30, 2010

Tim, My Darling,

I am pleased to have known you for so many years. You bring light to my soul and a smile to my face. Many happy blessings on this, the day of thy birth.
Also, turns out my roommates aren't so weird. They are fairly normal. And actually pretty cool. Misjudgment, misjudgment. Also Yosh is from Korea. And her real name is Yeji.
Also, my classes are just the Information Systems core and floral design. These classes obviously match each other, because they are both arts. The art of programming is pretty intense, as well as the art of designing florals. I will obviously be posting pics of my floral arrangements on this beautiful blog. However, I do have some good news: This is the bag I got for getting in to the isys program. Pretty darn cool, eh? It makes me feel thug when I carry it around on campus.

Also: I love the Princess Diaries movies. They are grand. =]. I like it when she says, "Here's an idea: why don't you go underwater, and I'll count to a million?" It makes me laugh super hard every time.
Also I love that picture. I feel like the girl is def waiting to kiss her prince charming.

Furthermore: it is way past my bedtime and so I am going to sleep. Have a super pleasant evening and an unforgettable birthday!!!

All of the x's and o's,

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Dearest Julia,

I am quite pleased that you accepted my invitation to be co-author of this blog. I am also quite pleased that you enjoy this blog and its banner.
Your awkward roommates seem so...full of character.
Yoshi, eh? I'm sure she loves that name and cherishes every moment when this feminine nickname of hers is mentioned.  You should ask her how to spell her name. Then put it in your next e-letter to me. That way I can see her difficult name.
Is she a foreigner? Like Canadian or something? Foreigners have the tendency to have difficult names.
So you've only seen her for a full minute total in your life? Wow. Acting like a turtle has been brought to another level.
Why are they so awkward? Is it the "Don't talk to me if you don't know anything about Anime" type of awkward? Or is it the "Lamp shade over the head wearing a duck costume" kind of awkward? Either way, that's quite awkward if you ask me.

Thanks for offering to mourn on my day of birth, but howsbout instead of mourning, you wake up in the morning (get it?! HAHA! GET IT?!) and celebrate my birthday with CAKE AND ICE CREAM!!!!!! Does that not sound more fun or what?!

So I just got home from Singles Ward. And when I say "just" I really mean two hours ago.

What classes are you taking this semester?

So there's this sweater at Burlington Coat Factory that reminds me of the part in Princess Diaries when Lana says,"The sweater your wearing...was it made for you or did the knitting machine just blow up?" I want to tell one of my co-workers every time I pass the sweater, but all of my co-workers either don't speak English, or would not appreciate the greatness of that quote.

Anyway, I'm not feeling super creative at the moment, so I'll just give you this picture:

You're welcome.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Dearest Tim,

Julia here. Thank you for making this blog and the killer banner. I love it! I am thrilled about this blog. Anyway, just pen-palling from Provo. I moved in to my apartment yesterday and it is pretty nice. However, my two new roommates both seclude themselves in their rooms all day. It is kind of awkward. I have met both of them and one of their names is a name I can't pronounce. We call her Yoshi. I have seen her a grand total of two times, each time for under 30 seconds. Maybe she's just shy? I don't know. Also Provo is a sad place without you. I will light a lone candle for you on your birthday in a couple days and mourn your absence.
I hope California can handle you for another semester.
All of the love in my heart,

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dearest Julia,

I have made a blog for us, so we can record our long distance friendship.
This'll probably make people peanut butter and jealous of us, but that's all.
You're Eternal Fiance,